It's just nerves, honey...

Tuesday, June 06, 2006

And now for something completely different

Well, here's a new one. I was lying in bed, reading a parenting magazine, and trying to zone out before going to sleep, and all of a sudden I couldn't hear out of my right ear. The absence of sound was startling, and I may have even jumped a little. Then I had a ringing in that ear that lasted about 30 seconds, and when it stopped, I could hear fine again. I thought, "well, that was weird," and went back to my magazine. But my right hand was kind of hurting, and I realized I was having this weird burning/stinging sensation at the base of my right palm. I'm getting so used to this kind of weird nerve input that I was hardly phased. But I still held out my right hand and looked at it. (I do this when I'm having these weird symptoms -- like I can't believe there's actually nothing touching me.) And I noticed my right pinky was moving.

I've never had a tremor or twitch before, but for about the past 20 minutes, my my right pinky has been making small, rhythmic, jerky movements. Try as I might, I can't hold it still. I can move it, but I can't stop it from twitching. And if I try to hold the fingers of my right hand together, the pinky goes drifting off to the side, as though trying to do some kind of Star Trek greeting. This is WAY weird... my body is moving without my conscious control. It's just a little pinky twitch, but it's still pretty damn odd. Meanwhile, still feeling burning/stinging in the base of my palm.

Messed up. I'm calling my neuro tomorrow. This just gets weirder and weirder. And if the MRI hasn't shown anything and it looks like there are going to be more tests ahead, I want to go ahead and schedule them. At this point, waiting another three weeks before even starting on the next round seems like a waste of time.

Now to try to ignore the incredible, self-moving pinky, and get some damn sleep.


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